All Members - Please NOTE:
Membership payments can still be made using PayPal but for those who currently send cheques would you please consider making a Bank Transfer (BACS) instead, details below. This is because the bank is about to start charging for each cheque deposited.
ALL membership payments, whether new or renewed, can be paid using either of the two payment systems shown below.

Lloyds Bank
Account Name: Cossack Owners Club
Sort Code: 30 93 83
Account Number: 01268026
Please ensure you identify yourself with your name and membership number or postcode.
For PayPal, please ensure you make your payment to:
This is the ONLY address connected to our PayPal account.
If payments are sent to any other club address, the money could be lost. The Cossack Owners Club cannot be held responsible for money sent to any other addresses on this website.
For members without an online account, Personal Cheques and Postal Orders can still be used.
The postal address is found on the downloadable Membership Form.

Jan 1st 2025
Please download and print the membership form below, fill in the details and send it to the address shown on the form along with your cheque/postal order unless paying by BACS.
All cheques/postal orders must be made payable to the Cossack Owners Club.
To pay using BACS: Please see above.
Annual membership fee as below:-
UK residents: - £20.00
UK family membership: - £21.00
International members (non UK) - £23.00
Please download and print the membership form here by clicking the 'W' logo,
Click the 'Buy Now' links above to take you to the COC Shop
Please Note:
When in the shop, the membership form should be filled in first.

For all membership enquiries please contact Gina Inman on the Membership email shown below.